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March 8 Women's day | Chun song rhyme, "move" road flowers

From: This site Time: 2024.07.02 View: 

Spring in March, the grass is long and the birds are flying, 2024 "March 8" International Working Women's Day is coming as promised, on the occasion of the festival, Shuote technology trade union organized "Spring singing," "move" road flowers "as the theme of outdoor walking activities, aimed at affirming the hard work of female workers, while advocating the concept of healthy life and green environmental protection.

34.jpg      On March 8, the female workers of Shuote Technology gathered on the citizen fitness trail in Longquanyi District, and Wang Lijun, the member of the female workers' union, divided the site into three groups and designated the leader according to the situation of the participants, to ensure that the hiking activity can reflect the spirit of teamwork and ensure that each participant can enjoy the beauty of spring in a green and safe environment. At the event site, everyone dressed in relaxed and comfortable sports clothes, full of youthful vitality, they walked lightly in the tree-lined path, shuttling between the sea of flowers, feeling the full vitality of the earth, immersed in the picturesque "move" road flower walking tour.



This activity not only allows female workers to temporarily pull away from their busy work, but also to get close to nature and relax on the special day of March 8th Women's Day, which further strengthens the team cohesion and enhances the sense of belonging of employees. At the same time, through the way of green travel, it conveys the values of respecting nature and protecting the environment through fun and education, which effectively promotes the deep integration of corporate culture construction and social responsibility practice of Shuote Technology.
